- We began the day with climbing out the door. Twas insane for around 3000 ft of altitude gain. Passing Jerome, we made our way toward Prescott. We ate pizza there and realized it was getting kinda late. At that point we had gone only around 40 miles. We decided to ride after dark to get closer to our destination for the day (Congress, AZ). We made it to a small town just before and stopped at an Motel/RV park to camp. We were pleased to have hot showers despite the lack of towels. We ate some rice and went to sleep.
(The descent into Jerome.)
(Entering Jerome, AZ.)

(A panoramic view looking toward the town of Jerome.)
(A statue on top of the mountain town of Jerome. Old miming equipment.)

(The town of Jerome.)
(Danny stops by Prescott Valley.)
(Theron stops by Prescott Valley.)
(A Simplex E-7 Drive-In Movie Projector outside a store in Prescott.)
(Danny enjoying pizza in Prescott.)
(Sunset as day 18 draws to an end.)
Dec 11 - Day 19 - Yarnell, AZ to Parker, AZ - 122 mi
- Unlike the day before, we descended almost immediately after eating breakfast. We had a wide open view and a fantastic lookout to take pics from. Afterward, we wildly took to the descent passing cars on the sharp corners. We leaned the bikes nearly touching the Pannier bags to the ground. It was unbelievable! The ride from that point on however was to be slightly downhill, but mostly flat. We pushed for Salome and made it to have some good dinner. Theron had the all-you-can-eat breaded cod and I had a hamburger. We left very full to get dessert. Entenmanns donuts had me at first sight so we ate those with some milk. We saw the best sunset leaving the store and rode into it planning to stop shortly. We planned to get to Parker the next day and camp close by. We rode on and just felt good so we kept going. Before we knew it we were 30 miles away from Parker and wanting to get there badly. We rode our tails off all the way and got chocolate milk at the first store we found. It was past 10 and we were dead. Camping was another 5 Miles which was just too far. Hotel time it was. Motel 6 baby! Hills tomorrow.
(Playtime at the lookout.)
(Sunset on Day 19. Theron and Danny look brand new!)
(Sunset on Day 19. Danny entering Parker.)
(Theron entering Parker. Danny enjoying his Entenmann's donuts.)
ahahah. That is funny.