- We woke up to bulls grazing and an awesome sunrise. We made our way out to Mayhill and started climbing. Now the mountains showed there faces. After lunch in Mayhill the climbing was constant. For 17 miles we climbed and climbed. Eventually there was snow on the ground and the temps started dropping. In Cloudcroft we reached 9000 feet. We refueled and geared up for the most amazing descent ever! We jetted down the backside at around 40 mph. We could see Whitesands from one of the look out points. In one corner we saw an elk! It looked like it had just finished crossing the road and galloped up a hill before we came close; I think it could have easily been 7 feet tall! We made it down into Alamogordo in less than 30 minutes. We have treated ourselves to a motel for the night. AAAAHHH shower! 6:00:0,0 66 miles 11.1 mph avg.
(Camping, with a side of cattle alarm clock.)
(Pastures. Danny ready to climb.)
(Theron geared up for the ascent. The climb, covered in evergreens.)
(Challa cactus. Danny gives the 'thumbs up' before the ascent.)
(The road to Cloudcroft. Elevation of 8,650 feet.)
(Theron at the summit. Snow on the ground!)

(Theron ready to descend!)

(Danny set to head down.)

(Danny on the descent from Cloudcroft.)
(On the way down. Snow at the bottom.)
(End of day 8. Rest Day! A nice motel room and a hot shower. Ahhhhhhh! Mayhill Cafe @ right.)
Ninja Danny! ahahah!